Agencies – big, small you can have them all!
Despite a rapidly evolving post-PC marketplace, many clients continue to be distracted by the need to keep up with the Joneses and consider the image of their agency of choice, as opposed to its core competencies.
[2012 trends] Your friend is literally the trend
Here are the trends to look out for in 2012, as predicted by our founder and lead strategist, Anice. On the trailing edge, we'll mark the final death of primetime, and on the leading edge - we'll watch Africa take its place on the global app stage.
Steve Jobs: a “ding in the universe”
Just after legendary Apple founder Steve Jobs passed away earlier this month, immedia CEO Anice Hassim wrote a tribute to the icon from an African point-of-view.
Is your digital agency about thought creation or regurgitation?
Are you surrounded by talkers or doers when it comes to getting into the digital space? You may know the type that just sits there pontificating about this that or the other but when push comes to shove, doesn’t deliver the goods. We definitely know them; hell we’ve even had to work with them from time to time but immedia CEO Anice Hassim says it’s time to embrace a breath of fresh new digital air...
Google lays down the gauntlet
In an unexpected but incredibly shrewd move, search giant engine Google has acquired Motorola’s mobile phone business for a whopping $12.5b-billion in a watershed deal that has brought Google right back into the heart of the Smartphone war.
Will investors ever see the Apple fall?
In light of Apple's recent stunning quarterly results, it leaves investors begging the question: when should we be worried? When do we know that this Apple has started to rot?
The app vs. mobi debate – it’s not up for discussion.
The debate's over. We’re living in the time between times, between what was and what will be. You know, like when you went “Mom, get a mobile!” In a similar way an app is coming to entice your target market away, no matter what industry or discipline you are in, so best you get to understand the medium...
There’s a new style agency in town!
Establishing an app dev studio in South Africa is challenging, no matter what the resources you have at your disposal. It really is time for the media industry to stop living in denial.
The App vs. Mobi site debate gets ugly – well actually… just realistic!
We're often asked the question by clients why they should invest in an App when a mobi site will do just the same job at a lower cost. One such occasion arose recently when immedia held an App workshop at a large financial institution.