Children of the Cloud – 2020
a generation of youth boycott school and university in protest against an inhuman education system and a totalitarian State that brutally subjugated them
These children of separation sparked a mass democratic movement that 14 years later won freedom for all people of South Africa
In the long autumn and winter of 1980 a single anthem pulsed from the townships of the oppressed
The dream of freedom was short-lived
Because the World was descending into Babylon
Humans we trapped in an increasingly rapid global descent into a mass system of dehumanisation driven by a surveillance capitalist system that brought dignity to a few and servitude to the rest
But technology is just a tool –
to be used to build or destroy, divide or unite, keep ignorant or educate…
a new generation of youth decided to not simply protest a system…
but to hack it.
To go over the top of obsolete education and brutal economic systems to a new way
Adopting the activism and anthem of the past they called themselves the Children of the Cloud and invited all to join in building a new human future in their communities